good people - just a few days into the tour in support of OOOM release,we are grounded in Finland. Shows in Oslo @ Mono & in London @ Cargo have been cancelled. we've looked into every boat and driving option out there, grounded in Helsinki, considering a ferry to Sweden, but don't quite know where we are heading..... but first we are playing a last minute lo-fi show to film for you ~ WISH YOU WERE HERE & WE WERE THERE VOLCANIC CLOUD SHOW Xstay tuned to twit & FB for details.this explosion from the UNDERWORLD, has offered a moment for us to think.get grounded.also yesterday, beyond the news of the ICELANDIC volcano, was the loss of Type O Negative leader, Peter Steele: one of my few singer / bass player roll models, and a man of mythological proporsitions inside and out. his heart stopped (also of icelandic roots! he is surely SWIMMING IN THAT LAVA UNDERWORLD as i type...) sad sad loss of a unique music man. in light of my unknown weekend, and love of him .... the boys in my band and i, gave him a tribute.... of his incredible tribute to Sabbath.(thank you for passing on your footage Samu Karlsson!)for more on my love of Steele and my chance to meet him ... ME & STEELEso, i come all the way to europe to play most places for the first time in many years, and after utter perfection in Berlin, Paris & Amsterdam...... after a great Helsinki show, we are stopped in our tracks. we crossed this ocean to play, it was already a limited tour, so to loose OSLO & LONDON is heartbreaking.after the helsinki show, i had some time to meet some amazing people. i recognized very quickly these like minded people, are the people i see in my minds eye, as i write and make things to are everywhere. these dreamers. these sweethearts. these lovers of light of the Volcanic troubles and the fear about ice ages, and never being able to cross the ocean easily again.... i looked at these faces, full of passion, hope and excitement about the outside world...and i group photo was taken, and someone made a joke of being a school photo...making this the first CLASS OF HOPE 2010.
#ClassofHope2010 united in believing and listening x and we are everywhere. let's connect.via the magic of facebook & twitter we found each other for a class reunion today. we met in the rain at the foot of a massive white church. thanks for the view of the city!LAST MINUTE HAND MADE LO-FI SHOW FOR ALL! NEED TO MAKE THE MOST OF BEING HERE! GROUNDED BY VOLCANIC ASH SHOW ~ LIVE TOMORROW IN HELSINKI!1pm at NOSTURII CLUB / VENUE / FLEA MARKET to the public x BRING VIDEO CAMERA OR ANY KIND! IDEALLY DIGITAL FOR FAST TRANSFER!keep eye on twitter & facebook for up to date details!WE WILL RECORD AND FILM IT FOR YOU:THE DREAMERS THAT WE MISSED IN OSLO AND LONDON AND THE REST OF YOU... IN SPAIN, ITALY, SCOTLAND, PORTUGAL, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, USA, JAPAN ETC... ALL THE WAY TO SOUTH AMERICA!!!)I'D RATHER BE THERE FOR YOU IN THE FLESH, BUT WHEN A VOLCANIC CLOUD KEEPS YOU DOWN, YOU BETTER FIND A WAY AROUND IT..... MORE ON THIS SOOON XXXXX HOPE HOPE HOPEClass of Hope 2010, will be in the house! helping where they can.more on their details soon....xMAdMx