October Rust, a Must!
Type O Negative: if you do not have the 1996 album October Rust, i give you 'til halloween to get your ears around it and give me a report.they've been living in their own world of melody, goth, metal, norse mythology, wolf and women themes for a long time now. Type O walk to their own march down a dirt path as i witnessed at Northern Lights club just outside of Troy, NY this past weekend. weird venue in an shut down strip mall, but the crowd and show took it to surreal heights of heavy and demented.born from a brooklyn 80's thrash metal band, Carnivore, Type O gave birth to their first album Slow, Deep and Hard in 1991. they have not stopped since, despite the controversial legend of type o's frontman, peter steele.
STEELEMAdM from MAdM OOOM on Vimeo.
he is pretty much unrivaled. who else is a 6'7'' rasputin look alike singer bass player with a voice an octave below bass?! who has graced the cover of playgirl and has done time at rikers island jail - an extreme life, born a true blue freak from out of this world, with a great ear for melody, endowed with fangs and wizard green eyes and embodying a wit that would blow anyone out of the goth ball park. it's freak flesh and blood that makes the world of rock music what it is. music accepts all humans of any shape, size or type. she has no judgement.not to mention he is one of my few signer-bass-player role models. he and phil lynott sit neck and neck with lemmy hanging over their shoulders of course... (and who really has shoulders like this guy? not me!!!)thank you goddess music for inviting everyone into it. no matter how "good or bad" you've been, if you commit to her, music rewards you with eternal gifts.last night was- MASTODON - converge - high on fire and dethklok..... thank you.report coming your way soon... a whole other universe, MIND BLOWING.still trying to formulate my ode to the new masters....xMAdMx