100 YEARS AGO.... The Fight for Equality began - we've come a long way girls, but there are still centuries upon generation of patterns to break even in the most progressive modern societies... still there is violence and abuse happening behind closed doors and of course there are foreign countries where archaic oppression and disrespect of women are still the norm. The world has historically been defined by men, but since my mother's pioneering and adventurous generation who paved the way for modern women like us, we've made leaps and bound, but it will take another few generations to counter balance the inequality of the past.... the fight goes on, and comes from STRENGTH, POSITIVITY AND HOPE HOPE HOPE to make the world a better place for future generations.ANOTHER POINT FOR FINLAND, IN THE RACE FOR THE COOLEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!The first European country to introduce women's suffrage was the Grand Duchy of Finland and that country, then a part of the Russian Empire with autonomous powers, produced the world's first female members of parliament as a result of the 1907 parliamentary elections. The predecessor state of modern Finland, The Grand Principality of Finland was part of the Russian Empire from 1809 to 1917 and enjoyed a high degree of autonomy. The Parliament Act in 1906 established the unicameral parliament of Finland and both women and men were given the right to vote and stand for election. Thus Finnish women became the first in the world to have unrestricted rights both to vote and to stand for parliament. In elections the next year, 19 female MPs, first ones in the world, were elected and women have continued to play a central role in the nation's politics ever since. Miina Sillanpää, a key figure in the worker's movement, became the first female minister in 1926.
Women in Finnish Parliament 1907!CANADA has had a good track record for recognizing women, and a good organization heard my 2011 new years eve, to find a Youth and Women's organization i could participating in..... Girls Action Organization called, and now i am a SPARK in their LIGHT A SPARK CAMPAIGNlaunching today! thanks for having me aboard.... THE YOUNG WOMEN OF CANADA have access to the world's highest quality of life. there is no reason why, the future of the world, can not be shaped by the strong, hardworking women of CANADA. GO GO GO! you get my vote!Let's light a spark under the asses of all the women we love today. light it with love and encouragement to follow you inner dreams and make a difference - life is short, make the most of it today!xMAdMx