dearest YOU.i feel alive. i really really do. this year has been a revelation so far. to have put in all my heart and time into OOOM in the last few years, then to be able to release it directly to you (with some RR love in euro thank you!) and establish my expanded artistic ways AND my independent DIY approach, has been a life changer. really. really. really. first, i was born to a mother and wore a pink bonnet....... then, thank you for following this, being here to show support, and proving that a girl can go out on a limb, escape under the radar and hide in the woods for a few years in the name of witches, vikings and HE|ART, fumble a bit with her new venture of her own artist run label (damaged vinyl, volcano delayed mailing, etc..), only be able to play a few shows so far (but one was really special in honor of a volcano and my finland clan!) AND at the end of the day, although exhausted, she feels proud, accomplished and honest. that is what happened between ME and YOU so far this year... and it's only going to get better!at this point some of you must know about the key summer festivals coming up next month, MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL, HEAVY MTL, BELGIUM, AUSTRIA, GERMANY, ITALY and a few more TBA SUMMER SHOWS this fall however, we will get real deep. the OUT OF OUR MINDS TOUR North America, then Europe, is in development. it will start intimate and experimental just how we like it. diverse music / people, mixed media, local and global. in the spirit of being "in it together" as we like to be.... more soon, but know that i am planning.meanwhile, my experimental HEARTLine! moon cycle webcast was born last month, still needing to "find my voice" but will.... i am packing a car right now to go on an amazing adventure for a week involving: canada, vikings, ocean, cliffs, helicopter, filming, battery operated guitar amplifiers, sleeping under the moon and more! (i will be away from most cellular & internet signal, so there will be less of me now, but MORE to share later). i will be lucky to be in those extreme elements for the FULL MOON next weekend, so i will do my first pre-recorded HEARTLine, i still have loads of questions from last round... then i'm off to my AUF DER MAUR homeland Switzerland to play the honorable MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL with ROXY MUSIC!!!!!!!!summer has arrived, and between these on-line adventures and travel to other places, i try to find time to walk along the tracks of life..... some images from that.... I LOVE LIFE #ILOVELIFEso last week i was in TORONTO for IDEACITY a fascinating conference of the minds, in fact all women's minds, and i talked about being a woman and tried another one of my experimental stripped down BASS sets- when they pod cast it all, i will link to it. was very very different for me, and i had a great time....
got to drive in a silver convertible dressed as a woman who sings "meet me on the dark side"...
went to pay respect to my HEALING GRAVEDIGGER Glenn Danzig AND give condolences to Type O drummer johnny Kelly all in one go....... I LOVE PETER STEELE R.I.P.
got home, took a walk along the tracks with some friends...
and.... it was FATHER'S DAY.