....OOOMa full moon eclipse happened today.humans and creatures alike bathed in lunar force,day or night, clouds or clear skies...we all lived under the influence today.the tides of the oceans,planetary movements and human breath, we stepped in her honor and light, wether we knew or not.full moons make me hungry and want to receive something-the wholeness, the light, the dark side, the surface, the makes me just want more.todays full moon was in capricorn -the moon embodies all things feminine, the mother, the goddess, the emotion, the magical...the capricorn, ruled by the planet saturn, is a gentle, yet extremely masculine sign, representing, the father, the provider, the warrior, the practical these two energies were at play in a high and mighty way, further intensified with an eclipse; which is when the moon passes behind the earth and for a moment the suns' (the PAPA bear provider) rays are blocked, making it a dark moon. so for an incredible moment, we mere humans, on this greenish blue planet earth, at our computers here, were standing between the two parental forces of masculine and feminine- which has got to make us FEEL in the deepest wells of our pores and guttural emotions and if we are lucky, even our conscience minds!i apologize, as i am simplifying it all to my elementary school girl comprehension, but what i take away from this event is, that today ,we were reminded of the dance between the eternal sources of creation: the sun and the moon - the extremes of the masculine and feminine, but reminded of our mortal selves and fleshy planet existing within that tango....I LOVE THAT FEELING......within my tiny world of creation, the MOON is a full time influence on me as a woman, and my new project OOOM -as the central theme is an eternal feminine force on the hunt to expose heart in the matter, the freedom in the collision, the feminine in the masculine, the dark side of the light, the healing in the wound and wrapped in love and music ...i am attempting to unveil more than my little words can say.... so please let NASA do the talking: the beauty in the eruption,i want more!off to the moon i gohope you have a full moon hangover tomorrow.....xMAdMx