i knew 9/9/9 would be a big day, and an opportunity to use the upside down 666 for good... so here i sit watching a live stream of Obamas Health Care reform speech. it has been dicey as of late, he seems to be taking the wimpy route as opposed to the roaring lion route that teddy K would've liked.... but we must give him tonight, to turn around. on my road trip last month, while bathing in the glory of this country's landscapes, history and people, i listened to chapters of Obama's "Audacity of Hope". his positivity, idealism and intelligence shines through in his book. it filled me with hope AND information. so here we stand, still unsure if this backwards system will turn around in the name of the people and their needs. As a dual citizen of Canada and the USA, i have a clear perspective about the disadvantage american citizens have when it comes to health care. The statistics prove it, and individual witnesses stand by it: USA has the one of the most inefficient and corrupt health care systems in the world. I choose to live in the USA for the love of it's spirit, it's history and it's people, but i have always been floored by how blinded the people are to the lack of basic opportunities they have, like MEDICATION and GOOD EDUCATION. i don't understand the fear of spending tax dollars on health but how "they" are willing to go into debt for war and banks, but not our health? truly backwards.when Obama was elected it was the first time I had genuine hope for change in this country - and EXTREME pride. he sets the bar that leaders around the world should rise up to (you hear me Canada!?) .... but this health care issue is a make or break for this country's health and prosperity. i want to believe these massive changes can happen here in this country, and that hope the skeptics will be properly informed....INTERMISSIONPhotobucket("Rue des Moulins: The Medical Inspection" by Toulouse- Laudrec! now that's some wild victorian party times!)NOW BACK TO 9/9/9i am listening carefully to this leader speak. PUBLIC OPTION ! he just said it!!!!YES THAT IS CHANGE that teddy k and teddy R would be proud of!now he is addressing a letter that ted kennedy wrote to him upon learning his cancer was terminal and requested to be delivered to Obama upon his death. words of SOCIAL JUSTICE and CHARACTER OF COUNTRY! that resonated with O, during this crucial time. loosing Ted K during this crucial time was heart breaking, but hopefully invigorating to this county and it's destiny..."THAT IS NOT WHAT WE CAME HERE TO DO- WE DID NOT COME HERE TO FEAR THE FUTURE,WE CAME HERE TO SHAPE IT!" YES YES YES XOXOX that was an amazing speech! THANK YOU!may we stand together for that fellow humans.Wherever you live! DONT FEAR IT, SHAPE IT!xMAdMx


Hermits & Freedom in the USA


Clues to OOOM III