sorry for the delayed declaration of love.immediately after MAdM~OOOM met WorldCon,i was asked to play a witch in the belles of the black diamond fields HD silent film...so i had some women to possess and convert to the dark side, read tarot cards in a watch tower and woke up at the crack of dawn to throw lightning bolts at the ocean... furthermore, real witches don't use blogs but now i am back home, and going to tell you a thing or two....the intelligence of the participants and audience at the sci-fi convention was truly inspirational. from the great minds, like neil gaiman or cory doctorow among many others... to the general public that attended my riddled with technical disasters, turn stand up comedy routine. despite the inability to play the film from top to bottom smoothly (mercury technology demons in the house, creating glitches, usually near a full moon!) the audience followed the waves with me, and showed such open ears and minds! i also experimented with a solo bass and voice only set, as i have always been terrified to do so, but figured it was time to face my fears, step up to the challenge, and no better place to do it than with a clan of sci-fi maniacs! the discussion panels were also phenomenal, made me want to go back to school or at least attend these conventions regularly (for now i will dig into boing boing and american gods...)here is a peek into others interpretation of my coming out party-these wicked people and blog had this to say about it my visit into the new worldthis could be used for all future OOOM calling cards from here on out! fantastically supportive and well written,thanks hellbound - FOR THE LOVE OF METAL!as a further bonus, the kingly guest of honor himself,gave me my very own click through shout out in his journal! thank you neil!NEILS JOURNAL!all in all, an amazing experience and intro to a new community of inspirational people and activities...
may i walk hand in hand into the future, outer space, dreamscapes and time machines, with my new like minded community.(sorry mister kling, i do not remember your name- but hi!)xMAdMxp.s. thanks sister cecil for recommending me to your sci-fi friends!