HELLO NYC friends, i am coming to you for some intimate, show & tell fun the top of next week!This Coming Monday May 24th!OOOM FILM SCREENING at HOUSING WORKS BOOKSTORE IN SOHO 7PM SharpFollowed by Q&A with Director Tony Stone and other OOOM collaborators,PLUS Raw and striped down music performance involving me, a bass, a keyboard and a heartbeat...Housing Works - 126 Crosby street, NYC NY 10012HOUSING WORKS NYC INFO!The next day Tuesday May 25th!FORBIDDEN PLANET OOOM COMIC BOOK Signing5:30 - 6:30 - Weird time, but always a good time to roam comic book aisles.....Come meet OOOM's amazing illustrator Jack Forbes!Forbidden Planet NYC - 840 BroadwayFORBIDDEN PLANET NYC INFO!Hope to see you there x pass it on ......xMAdMx