I LOVE LIFEEU AMO A VIDAAMAMOS LA VIDAICH LIEBE LEBENJ'AIME LA VIESUCCESS! WE LOVE LIFE and SHARED THE PROOF WITH EACH OTHER via PRIMITIVE LO-FI ON LINE COMMUNICATION! I had a fantastic long night of friends, music and celebration. it makes me so happy to compile the effort to spread the word, to spread the LOVE and communal determination to walk into this new and ominous decade together in LOVE. global makes me happy and this is the impressive list of countries that participated with us in our LOVE CHANT:ARGENTINA UK ITALY MEXICO SWEDEN HOLLAND CANADA EL SALVADOR TRINIDAD SPAIN USA FRANCE BRAZIL GERMANY PORTUGAL & SOUTH AFRICANow for a compilation of the sentiments captured and shared on that midnight 2010 BLUE MOON:MARIANOTHE GALS!RAYI Love Life - Happy New Year 2010 Blue Full Moonrayson d'etre | MySpace VideoCATARINAMIKE NOURSESUNFLOWERDAGGERMISSFITZCECILSEASKULLQUEENFAIRYPANTSTHE CHILDREN OF STUDIODOGyou who participated (sorry if you are left out, my consolidating skills are not up there but i tried!)missfitzpd sunflowerdagger chaotic_color kheir kcinkcity keatonxkeaton axestatic kalaroy hhhancock antonioreyx360 mccpazz welshie84 stublab systris miss_mmm themarknews tinkyvinky glamourpuss15 vacantsea hada_verde stacenator aproizeaparnan vermicidefrosti betyoucantseeit speilbilde loversdiscourse thecarpathian Catarina daniel raine Mi4U Jaqueline Andy camilla thatsscottie jasonkadlec davehealy starryxnitez riotness kheir, patty&christina!.....and here are some photos you passed on to declare your ILOVELIFE-ness
and a shipwreck diary entry:http://shipwreck-free.livejournal.com/6663.htmland a FB video i couldn't figure out how to embed!http://www.facebook.com/v/106493722701189i feel that's an impressive testimony to good LIFE LOVERS all around the world.i am on the hunt for you via song, show, blog, twit, thought, dream and hope. we are in this together, and a collective good attitude will only improve our future xwe are not alone xxMAdMxP.S. This Mysterious Clan was not part of our MIDNIGHT 2010 Chant Plan, as this video was posted in April... but seems they are right there with us ... BLACKIEATTITUDE